
Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


  There are several products available to protect against Toxic Rain


  This is a lotion that blocks rain from touching your skin. It has different ratings to match the level of proection. A single application is enough to cover one body part (Head, arm, leg, chest, stomach or back) for two hours.

RainBloc Green

  This light RainBloc is specially formulated to protect agaiinst "acceptable" levels of toxins while moisturizing and revitalizing your skin

Travel bottle (16 applications) $20

Enough to take with you everywhere you go.

Vacation Essentials (96 applications) $30

Perfect for vacations (don' go to Hawaii without it)

Daily Use formula (240 applications) $40

Protect yourself everyday with this protective and revitalizing formula

Family Size (960) $50

Protect the whole family like no other product can!

RainBloc Yellow

  Designed to protect you from the toxins found during most "Toxic Rain Warnings". A single application will protect one body part for one hour

Travel bottle (16 applications) $30

Vacation Essentials (96 applications) $40

Don't visit Seattle without it!

Daily Use formula (240 applications) $50

Family Size (960) $60

RainBloc Red

  Specifically manufactured to protect against chemicals that commonly cause "Toxic Rain Alerts". Although no warranty is granted or implied. One application is good for one body part for 20-30 minutes.

Travel bottle (16 applications) $60

Vacation Essentials (96 applications) $80

Don't visit London without it!

Daily Use formula (240 applications) $100

Family Size (960) $120


  This salve has been created not only to cure the rashes associated with rain water, but to remove aging lines and revitalize skin. A single application will cure 20% of the rash on one body part.

First Aid size (5 applications) $10

Fits in most first aid kits

Treatment size (40 applications) $20

The perfect size to cure rain sickness

Family Size (160 applications) $30

Be prepared for any emergancy!

Institutional Size (400 applications) $80

Perfect for most infermaries

note: Rainaway essentially doubles the normal healing rate. The rate listed assumes that there is no further exposure to toxic rain. Continued exposure will negate any natural healing and characters who use RainAway may suffer a reversal (Characters have to make a luck save to avoid a reversaal - NPCs that do not have a luck stat will suffer from a reversal 30% of the time). A reversal will cause the character's body to be temporarily reduced by one until 24 hours after all of the following conditions have been met:

1) The salve is rinsed off and no more is applied

2) The character is no longer exposed to toxic rain

3) The character is dry

Warning: continued application of RainAway to characters suffering a reversal will cause this loss to be permanent (after 24 hours). This cycle will continue until death (e.g., one point of temporary loss, that is transferred into permanent loss, then a new point of temporary loss, etc...). While a character is suffering from a reversal, they will have the rash accompanied by open seeping sores.


  This amazing new product is a specially formulated foundation for people suffering from Toxic Rain Rash. While not necesarily curing any rash, a single application will act as the perfect foundation for any makeover.

Carry along size (5 applications) $20

Vanity Size (30 applications) $30

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


  This spray protects your clothes from dirt and rain. One application is good for one article of clothing for one hour of exposure

Carry Along size (8 applications) $10

Travel Size (60 applications) $20

SuitGuard Daily Use (240 applications) $30

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

Rad Tabs

  Certain areas of New York are rumored to still be radioactive. Rad Tabs are small tabs (there are several designs from the 1/2" x 2" strip to fashionable designs) that change color when exposed to radiation. They are designed to be disposable and are intended as a warning only (a tabs reading cannot be used as evidence in a court of law).

Pack of 6 for $10

Fashion Tabs $5 each

Rad Guard

  This lotion can be worn to protect from UV and other radiation (a single application will cover one body part for 2 hours. This time is reduced to about 2 minutes if exposed to higher than normal levels of radiation. This is not very long, but the lotion does change color when it is in this kind of radiation field).

Travel Size (6 applications) $10

Family size (24 applications) $20

Bonus Pack (90 applications) $30

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

Workaday Tabs

  This product is designed to reduce fatigue for a 12 hour period. One tablet will start working 5-15 minutes after ingestion and last 12 hours. The character who uses these must sleep an extra hour (e.g., the first hour of sleep does not count against any recover - Damage, stress exhaustion, etc...). It is safe and non-addictive.

Travel Size (5 tabs) $5

30 tab bottle $15

120 tab bottle $25

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

RunFlat (one tube) $10

  Each tube will repair one tire for one month. During that time perios, it will also prevent the next flat (but not the one after that). This product does not work if the hole in the tire is too large.

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


  Arasaka hes been working on an enhanced laser. It is a Burst emiter configuration. The weapon can be set for "shotgun-like" attack patterns.

note: The burst emiter fires all beams simultaneously. The firer dials up an attack angle. The firer makes a to-hit roll (subtracing half the width of the field in meters from their to-hit roll). Everyone in the attack field has to roll (Using Reflexes and Athletics/Martial Arts/Dodge & Escape) that number or higher (Adding the distance from the center in meters). Each shot uses one ammo and each meter wider the field is uses one more.

Arasaka ABP-11 BLaser Pistol (Prototype $100,000*)

P +2 J ** 1d6 12 *** 100 m

Arasaka ABS-17 BLaser (Prototype $200,000*)

SMG +2 L ** 1d6 80 *** 100 m

Arasaka BLaser Rifle ABR-23 (Prototype $500.000*)

RIF +2 N ** 3d6 200 *** 200 m

* Of course you cannot just buy a prototype, but these are good estimates of what it would cost the current owner to replace them.

** Availability is special.Currenly cannot be obntained normally.

*** ROF is special, use the burst rules.

  Militech has been working on a pulse laser design. It is very effective at damaging a single target.

note: ROF is special. It essentially has an infinite ROF. It cannot fire in suppresive fire mode. Its burst can only be fired at a single target (It is essentially an extremely, short, single burst of energy).

Militech PeaceMaker (Prototype $100,000*)

P +3 P ** 1d6 6 1 60 m

Militech Tom-Tom (Prototype $500,000*)

RIF +3 L ** 3d6 20 *** 100 m

Militech SLAW (Prototype $1,000,000*)

HVY +2 N ** 1-5d10 20 *** 150 m

note: each d10 of damage uses one "shot" of ammo

* Of course you cannot just buy a prototype, but these are good estimates of what it would cost the current owner to replace them.

** Availability is special.Currenly cannot be obntained normally.

*** ROF is special, use the pulse rules.

Laminant Armor Clothing

  Uses table in Chrome 4, but multiply by 2.5

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


Upon the popularity of Exotic Microwavers, a new generation of microwavers is being made. These Microwavers have many benefits of lasers without the high cost (and in some cases their weaknesses). Remember that microwave attacks are not effected by smoke or anti-laser aerosol any more than conventional firearms. Also, the EMP effects of earlier microwavers has been eliminated in these more powerful emmitters (this is mearly a side effect of the high power, a current design constraint, not a design choice). Therefore the only way to suffer EMP is at point-blank range or to the firer on a critical fumble.

Malorian Flashette Pistol ($10,000)

P +1 J R Shotgun 5 1 50 m

Malorian Flashette Gun ($15,000)

SMG +1 L R Shotgun 15 1-3 75 m

Tsunami Wave Gun ($20,000)

RIF +2 N R 4d10* 6 1 300 m

* The Tunami Combat Microwaver uses an ultra-tight beam. instead of doing 1 point of staged penetration, it does 1d6

Tsunami Wave Cannon ($50,000)

HVY +2 N R 6d10* 3/10 1 400 m

* The Tunami Combat Microwaver uses an ultra-tight beam. instead of doing 1 point of staged penetration, it does 1d6

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


  The MetaCorp is introducing a new service. Military intervention. Simply break the MetaTag card and a team of specialists will come to rescue you.

Bronze Service $1,000 a month, $100,000 plus expenses per use

Silver Service $5,000 a month, $80,000 plus expenses per use. Plus one free security consultation with a MetaCorp Security Expert

Gold Service $10,000 a month, $60,000 plus expenses per use. Plus monthly consultation with an experienced MetaCorp Security Professional

Platnum Service $20,000 a month, $40,000 plus expenses per use. On-call body guard service (if he has to guard your body in a fight, you pay $10,000 plus expenses).

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

CyberAlert Bracelets ($200, $100 a month)

Button 1 - Medical alert: Notifies 911 system of medical emergency including your location

Button 2 - Criminal alert: Notifies 911 system that you are the victim of a crime along with your location

Button 3 - Emergency alert: notifies 911 system of an emergency (Fire, Chemical spill, etc...} including your location


BioMonitor ($100, $100 a month above the basic service already listed)

Sends your health info for Medical emergencies and activates a medical emergency if the character is in serious condition or worse

PhotoMonitor ($50, $50 a month above the basic service listed)

Sends a photo of what the bracelet is pointed at when the button is pushed

AudioMonitor ($100, $100 a month above the basic service listed)

Sends a one minute audio recording with alert. Minute begins when button is pressed. 

VideoMonitor ($200, $200 a month above the basic services listed)

Sends a 3 minute Video (with sound) with alert. The 3 minutes start when the button is pressed)

ElectroShock ($50, $50 a month above basic service)

Creates shock field around character for 10 minutes after Button 2 is activated.

SensorMonitor ($200, $200 a month above basic services)

Has Environmental sensors that detect Hazardous chemicals, fire, and submersion. Will automatically activate button 3 if fire or chemicals are detected. Will automatically activate Button 1 if they are detected at levels high enough to be dangerous to owner

KillSwitch ($50)

Normally bracelet cannot be deactivated (so don't take it swimming with a SensorMonitor installed). The killswitch is a button on the backside that deactivates the whole device and all of its options

TraumaTeam Option ($500, $100 a month plus al of the norrmal Trauma Team expenses)

Notifies Trauma Team when Button 1 is activated.

NetMonitor ($100, $200 a month)

Monitors the wearers net connection and activates button 1 when dangerous net signals are detected.

MetaTag Option ($1000, $200 a month plus MetaTag charges)

Notifies MetaCorp when Button 2 is activated.

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

Serial Number Scanner

  Used by police to check Serial Numbers of cyberware. Using it requires a 15 Cybertech Roll to identify a Serial Number.


+1 Target is still

+1 Target is trying to cooperate

+2 Any visible Cyberware is registered

-3 All visible Cytberware is not registered

-1 per meter distant over 3 m

-5 Serial numbers intentionally tampered

-2 Target is dodging scanner

-1 per REF over 10 for non-cooperating subject

-2 No cyberware is visible

-3 all cyberware in Nanotech

+2 linked to 'Net

+5 Linked to Law Enfocement system

-2 All cyberware is Black Market

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry

Heart Beat Sensor ($12,000)

  Detects the electric field generated by a heart beat. Requires 15 roll vs. medical or First Aid or 20 roll vs Awareness or Electronic Surveilane/Security


+1 for each completed, consecutive second of searching

-1 Using sensor one-handed

-2 per intervening wall

+5 No covering of upper body or interveaning objects

-1 Heavy clothes or soft armor

-2 hard armor

-1 per intervening oibject

-1 Any intervening objects or walls are solid (no air)

-3 Any intervening objects or walls are hard rock (gypsum does not count, brick does)

-5 any intervening objects or walls are metal

-2 any intervening objects or walls are insulated from cunducting

-2 target is actively avoiding sensor

-1 per REF over 10 for moving target

-2 Target is moving at max MA

-3 if moving target has MA over 10

-5 decoy depolyed

-2 jammer deployed

-3 active counter electronic warfare (makes roll of 20)

  Success indicates target's direction and range

Heart Beat Sensor Jammer ($2,000)

  Will mask your heart beat from any sensors.

Heart Beat Sensor Decoy ($1,000)

  Really only effects heart beat sensors, but will provide a false signal to any Sensor in range.

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry


  Many proximity sensors are available commercially. CyberSentry rises above the rest as an effective and affordable solution when you need to watch your back.

NovaGard $50

NovaGard is small (the size of a cell phone) and can be attached to almost any surface (Has StayStik feet and MagFeet standard) and will emit a siren alarm when anyone approaches within three meters of it. If the correct code is not entered in the keypad after three seconds, the volume doubles and a voice message is added.

AlarmGard $200

The sensor is the size of a matchbook and is available in many designs (including logo name plates). When anyone approaches within three meters, it emits a signal that activates the Alerter tm. The Alerter is a receiver aout the size of a cell phone. The Alerter can be deactivated by hitting a special sequence on its keypad. The alarm can be text on its screen, vibrate, beep or Alarm (alarm mode is like the first alarm emitted by NovaGard). The Alerter can receive a signal from an AlarmGard as far away as 3 km.

X-Gard $200 for sensor and $200 for each control

The main X-Gard module is like the sensor of the AlarmGard. Each Control is programmed to control an X-Gard-compliant device when an alert is sent. The Control Modules can receive an X-Gard signal from as far away as 1km.

Rain    SuitGuard    Rad Tools    Workaday Tabs    RunFlat    Lasers    Microwavers    MetaTag    CyberAlert Bracelets    Serial Number Scanner    Heart Beat Sensor    CyberSentry